级别: 新手上路
UID: 24024
精华: 0
发帖: 24
绿化值: 240 点
森林币: 240 SLB
好评度: 0 点
在线时间: 14(小时)
注册时间: 2015-06-30
最后登录: 2016-05-21
楼主  发表于: 2015-09-09 22:10

 不要废 装起来 —— The English Corner of Meizhou


If I am gonna point out three important things in my life,that would be...I am dare to say that movie must be one of them.
I've been crazy about movie since I was at high school.For me,movie is like the river running to the sea.Movie is like the star,mysterious as if we can never touch.Movie is like the God,making miracle happen.
To be exact,movie is just about story,our true stories,human's story.There is no way more incredible than the way movie tells a story.I find it unbelievably strong,interseting,inspiring and even beyong my imagination.It's kind of the coolest thing in the world to me.And sharing it will also be the coolest thing to do.So,,what will you like to share with us?Tell us your feeling about movie and introduce them.How do they influence your life?
Here is the advice you could use.
Bring and show some of the stage photos and let other people guess the name of your movies.



  19:30 —— 大家自我介绍,自由交流
  20:30 —— 每人依次介绍自己喜爱的电影,形式自由

级别: 骑士
UID: 2956
精华: 0
发帖: 285
绿化值: 1837 点
森林币: 100666 SLB
好评度: 65 点
在线时间: 497(小时)
注册时间: 2008-05-20
最后登录: 2017-07-08
1楼  发表于: 2015-09-11 10:46

 回 楼主(sine) 的帖子

Hi Sine, I can't catch up the schedule this week. See you next week! And wish you have a good time!
take a deep breath, walk slowly & surely