English Editor- at Beijing Tsinghua University - China
Job Description
Candidates shall be responsible for editing written documents provided as information to international organizations and press correspondents, finding information from university sectors, proof reading, and writing English articles.
Desired Skills & Experience
Candidates should be a native speaker of English with experience in journalism or language teaching
Bachelor degree or above in journalism, language, marketing, or related field
Computer skills including Microsoft Office (word, excel and PowerPoint)
Self motivated with a high level of energy and work ethic
Ability to speak and read Chinese is preferred
Company Description
Tsinghua University is known as one of the most esteemed universities in the world. Located in the northwestern part of Beijing, an ancient city of orient civilization, the campus covers an area of 3.9 square kilometers providing well equipped facilities for teaching and daily life.
English Editor- at Beijing 英语编辑 工作地点:北京 Tsinghua University - China 招聘单位:清华大学——中国
Job Description工作描述
Candidates shall be responsible for editing written documents provided as information to international organizations and press correspondents, finding information from university sectors, proof reading, and writing English articles. 负责为提供给国际机构和新闻记者信息的书面文件编辑,负责为大学各部门寻找资讯,负责校对工作以及英文论文撰写。
Desired Skills & Experience技能与经验要求
Candidates should be a native speaker of English with experience in journalism or language teaching 应聘者母语为英语,且具有新闻业或语言教学经验 Bachelor degree or above in journalism, language, marketing, or related field 学士学位以上学历,新闻学、语言学、市场营销或相关专业 Computer skills including Microsoft Office (word, excel and PowerPoint) 计算机技能,包括微软办公室软件(文档、表格及幻灯片) Self motivated with a high level of energy and work ethic 积极主动、有干劲、职业道德高。 Ability to speak and read Chinese is preferred 能说会读中文者优先
Company Description 公司介绍:
Tsinghua University is known as one of the most esteemed universities in the world. 清华大学是世界最具盛名的大学之一。 Located in the northwestern part of Beijing, an ancient city of orient civilization, the campus covers an area of 3.9 square kilometers providing well equipped facilities for teaching and daily life. 位于古老的东方文明之城北京西北部,校园面积达3.9平方千米,为教职工提供良好的教学和日常生活设施。