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twinkl 2012-09-20 16:49

Ex-Porn Star’s Viral Call for Sino-Japanese Peace [SFW]
原文地址WSJ       http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2012/09/15/ex-porn-stars-viral-call-for-sino-japanese-peace-sfw/


Sina Weibo 图片来自新浪微博

A screenshot shows the second of two messages posted to the Sina Weibo microblogging site by retired porn actress Sola Aoi on Friday calling for China and Japan to be friends. The characters read: “Friendship between Chinese and Japanese people.”

One enduring advantage Japan has enjoyed when facing calls inside China for boycotts of Japanese goods, such as those that could be heard between bouts of egg throwing at protests outside the Japanese embassy in Beijing on Saturday, is the general fondness Chinese consumers have for Japanese brands.

Now one Japanese “brand” with a particularly fervent following in China – former porn star Sola Aoi – has taken it upon herself to try to calm tensions between the two East Asian powers.

With anti-Japanese vitriol turning increasingly violent in China following Japan’s announcement that it planned to purchase the disputed Senkaku islands, Ms. Aoi lit up China’s social media switchboards on Friday by suggesting in a pair of posts that everyone should just try to get along.

“I hope all of us regular people can have good relations…I am a regular person like all of you. Wounded…” she wrote on her verified account on Sina Corp.’s Weibo microblogging service, attaching an image of hand-painted Chinese characters that read “Japanese-Chinese friendship.”
”我希望我们所有普通民众之间可以有良好的关系。。。我跟大家一样都是一个普通人。伤心。。” 苍老师用她的新浪认证微博账号中写道, 并附上一副书法:中日友谊。

A few minutes later, perhaps thinking twice after an initial flurry of protests from her fans, she posted another image, this time with the characters amended to read “Friendship between Chinese and Japanese people.”

At a time when Chinese owners of Toyotas and Hondas are plastering their cars with anti-Japanese messages to avoid having them smashed by unhinged protesters, and when Japanese people have to worry about being assaulted with bowls of ramen noodles while walking Chinese streets, such a plain gesture from a retired adult film actress might not seem particularly noteworthy.
在中国丰田本田车主们忙着给他们的车贴上反日标语,以防止被精神错乱的抗议者们砸碎之际, 当日本人走在中国大街上要担心会不会被一碗拉面扣在头上的时候,一个退休的成人电影演员的朴实无华的举动可能看起来不太引人注目。

But Ms. Aoi is not your average retired adult film actress. A megastar throughout Asia, she boasts more than 13 million followers on Sina Weibo and is popular enough in China that the country’s film and TV regulator singled her out in announcing new restrictions on “vulgar” content in April (to which she responded with a defiant picture of herself in dress).

Ms. Aoi’s call for calm has certainly been heard: By Saturday afternoon, the two posts combined had been forwarded more than 110,000 times and attracted more than 150,000 comments – a viral performance even by China’s high standards.

How much of her audience got the message is another question.

To be sure, some of the actress’s Chinese fans on the site supported her, in many cases by simply forwarding or repeating the call for friendship. Others, however, were more conflicted. “Although I like you and support your work, in the end I am Chinese,” one fan wrote in response. “On territorial disputes, I will never back down!”

“I deeply suspect you’re a spy,” wrote another, perhaps thinking of the Yoshiko Kawashima, a beguiling Manchurian princess who served as a spy for the Japanese during World War II and later became a celebrity in Japanese-occupied parts of China.

Many responded with outrage — often using language not fit to publish on a family-friendly news website – but an equal number seemed keen to enjoy Ms. Aoi and have their islands, too. “The Diaoyu islands belong to China, Sola Aoi belongs to the entire world,” went one commonly repeated refrain.

A group of small, uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, the Senakaku are administered by Japan but claimed by China and Taiwan. In China, they are known as the Diaoyu islands. Tensions over the islands have been rising steadily since April, when Tokyo mayor Shintaro Ishihara first tabled the idea of purchasing some of them from their private owners.

Ms. Aoi was not the only popular microblogger to challenge the convictions of China’s Japan-bashers in recent days. In a separate post that has also gone viral on Sina Weibo, commentator Zuoyeben posited a pair of theoretical dilemmas: “If Japanese people attack and there’s a Japanese gun on the ground, would you or would you not pick it up and return fire?” he asked, adding another: “Say you have a child, and there are only two types of milk powder – one made in China, the other made in Japan. Which would you chose?”

Responses to that post – like responses to Ms. Aoi’s – were passionately mixed, with many forced to admit that the poisoned reputation of Chinese dairy products would make for a difficult choice.

While it’s not clear what, if any, impact either of the posts will have in defusing anti-Japanese rhetoric, responses to Ms. Aoi suggest plenty of Internet users have bigger priorities than discussing the latest flare-up over disputed territory.

Take, for example, Sina Weibo user Rubber Demon Fruit, who reacted to Ms. Aoi’s diplomatic toe-dip, not with an angry demand that she take a position on  the Senkaku, but with a far more fundamental question: “May I ask, when is your new movie coming out?”

比如说。。新浪微博用户Rubber Demon Fruit,对苍井空这次外交尝试的反应,并不是强烈要求她对岛屿的归属做出明确表示,而是问了一个远远更加重要的基本性问题:“我可以问问老师吗,你的新电影什么时候出来呢?”

twinkl 2012-09-20 16:52
政权交替内部派系争端,18  大迟迟不能召开。。。




光头妹 2012-09-25 17:41

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