级别: 骑士
UID: 2956
精华: 0
发帖: 285
绿化值: 1837 点
森林币: 100666 SLB
好评度: 65 点
在线时间: 497(小时)
注册时间: 2008-05-20
最后登录: 2017-07-08
楼主  发表于: 2015-09-13 01:06

 黄田水库徒步英文版作业- Ants Climb Up A Tree


When I moved here, I liked looking for interesting things in the map about this city. One of the most attractive things in map would be color of water. Reservoirs(水库) are definitely my favor. They looks amazing in a bored map.

As you  can imagine, it must be a very instereting dream place for hiking  around.  This reservoir is neither like a lake with flat edges, nor like a river in straight line. It's just like... let me see, it's just like the upper part of a tree! Right! That's it! So, here we go! Let us start climbing this tree.

This was the first time I hike around a reservoir.  I was so expecting for it, hoping to enjoy the happy hours hiking in the forest so closed to the water. But when the whole team hiked into the trail, something was going in the way we totally unexpected. We saw the other bank so closed, however, it took us a long long jouney to get there! Why? Seemed near but far. Why? Why?  Why?

Suddenly, it reminded me of the image of this reservoir in the map. The reservoir is like a upper part of a tree. We were now ants, climbing up a tree. Normally, it took us not much time if we just climbed straight up to the top. But now, we were little poor ants, forced to climb up to the top by going through every branches of the tree and even every branches of a branch! That's crazy!


So, try to say hello on one side, and go quickly to the other to say it again. Only 10 meters away, but it took you half an hour. Wow, what a miracle! Again, we were ants.

Finally, we were here.

Attached some beauties I found when hiking.


[ 此帖被光头妹在2015-09-13 01:25重新编辑 ]
take a deep breath, walk slowly & surely
级别: 新手上路
UID: 23512
精华: 0
发帖: 64
绿化值: 670 点
森林币: 670 SLB
好评度: 0 点
在线时间: 582(小时)
注册时间: 2014-11-19
最后登录: 2018-01-08
1楼  发表于: 2015-09-13 10:49
级别: 荣誉会员

UID: 5235
精华: 7
发帖: 2778
绿化值: 20030 点
森林币: 132418 SLB
好评度: 470 点
在线时间: 4936(小时)
注册时间: 2009-10-20
最后登录: 2023-04-14
2楼  发表于: 2015-09-13 12:18
级别: 骑士
UID: 2956
精华: 0
发帖: 285
绿化值: 1837 点
森林币: 100666 SLB
好评度: 65 点
在线时间: 497(小时)
注册时间: 2008-05-20
最后登录: 2017-07-08
3楼  发表于: 2015-09-15 10:41
take a deep breath, walk slowly & surely
我相信自己生来如同璀璨的夏日之花 不凋不败,妖冶如火。
级别: 侠客
UID: 23451
精华: 0
发帖: 89
绿化值: 890 点
森林币: 890 SLB
好评度: 10 点
在线时间: 25(小时)
注册时间: 2014-10-25
最后登录: 2018-01-31
4楼  发表于: 2015-09-16 08:55
级别: 精灵王
UID: 401
精华: 4
发帖: 1883
绿化值: 19129 点
森林币: 122762 SLB
好评度: 232 点
在线时间: 1851(小时)
注册时间: 2006-04-13
最后登录: 2018-08-01
5楼  发表于: 2015-09-16 15:35
[ 此帖被海阔与天空在2015-09-16 16:00重新编辑 ]
级别: 侠客
UID: 23938
精华: 2
发帖: 232
绿化值: 2790 点
森林币: 2790 SLB
好评度: 503 点
在线时间: 188(小时)
注册时间: 2015-04-23
最后登录: 2019-12-03
6楼  发表于: 2015-09-29 09:50
Good job !